Linggo, Oktubre 18, 2015

Choosing battles

Life is never easy for a woman.

It seems that there are more battles than choices. 

Yes there has always been humour that a woman always get what she wants. But more often, this means, getting what she want for herself or getting what she want still, but for others.

Yes you see, woman empowered, a woman in a man's world, a woman who shuts her eyes, leaps and defy gravity. Because no matter how modern is time, a woman is still in a certain kind of bondage. Perhaps no longer from a sex discriminating culture or in a gender biased religion, but some other kind of chain is binding a woman to limit her happiness.

There is this woman, who can be an achiever, employed, good daughter, loyal friend, but is stuck somewhere with a man she can't call her own.

Being empowered, she believes she deserves to get what she wants and all those love and attention.

But she can't shout this to the world.  Society was rough on her for sometime, and now she fell into a kind of a mindset that the universe conspired, else none of this would be happening. This woman knows the consequences of her actions. She may be guilty at times knowing that she could break or had broken already a family.

Then there is also this woman on the other side of the fence. The woman who had struggled balancing the hurt and demands of the rest or the world around her.

This woman knows she has all legalities to get even and move on live her life cut from the pain of being continuously betrayed. She can do everything that will eventually lead her to where there is abundance of love. They say to have stayed for the children is not reason as they are better off seeing a happy, unattached mother. But she opted to stay. Children are reasons enough. For she believes, the moment these were born, happiness revolves around seeing their dreams fulfilled, seeing them become the normal, loving human beings they ought to be.

Then there is this woman, who feels she ought to have everything while she is still unattached..or she feels she should not be attached. Traumatized from the stories of being in love, she would rather play around...and never invests her feelings else she will be among those whose mornings are always a drag coz of crying over some "Man Fool" the entire night.

And meet the woman who was all the time been a giver, hurt, betrayed but is now in the arms of a "Perfect Man".  That man showers her with gifts, surprises her with dates and is now building a future around her...and the rest of her world.  Yes she is into him..but only a bit.  Because in the middle of the night, or at some point during the day, she still feels empty...

There is this woman who is in love and is very loved, but she can't shout to this to the world.  Both of them can't. At the other side of her life, she is bubbly, inspiring, responsible, but is hiding a wound that does not heal in her heart. And on the other end, she is still the same bubbly and inspiring but this time without the hurt.  For this man who laughs and shares herself with without almost any inhibition, is also living a double life.

So what is it really for a woman? Complicated to the highest degree...

But hey, these are just scribbles of mine.  The thing is...its all in the mind..

Whether you are a woman, a girl, or a man reading this, these battles are real, but it doesn't mean we can't win over these.

Heads up Girlfriends !

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