Huwebes, Oktubre 10, 2013

Live to inspire.

Title explained.

And so this is my first hopefully published blog.  I did try a few years ago while I was still with the mainstream media, but I guess I was not so inspired then, or rather I was very inspired with my work that I never just thought of immortalizing my thoughts into this world called BLOG.

Yes my friends, the word is INSPIRE.

I was a beat reporter for more than 10 years.  I jumped into murders, accidents, agghhh COA reports even before I graduated my Mass Communication course in UP Cebu .  You can say that I was very inspired because I never bothered the pay, the "over-over times", no or less food allocation.  Although I can say that I had the best press driver and equally inspiring photographers then.

I was INSPIRED, to know the stories beforehand and be able to share it FIRST to the world.  I was inspired to see the faces of happy readers, of families reunited, of justice attained, of feedings, of accomplishments, of shabu raids--- and unfortunately, I was also inspired to write about bad people hehehe Erring cops ( , corrupt collectors, and yes, those scandalous priests and religions (

In short I was inspired to write also for bad news..because it is good news! =)

But then due to some "undelightful" events that even nature cannot prevent, I was for almost two years, silent-in-print. No bylines for almost two years! And so thanks to my EIC, still the undefeated Editorial writer in Cebu, Jerry Tundag,( he gave me my very own segment, " A Ray of Sunshine" where I write all the good news under the heat of the sun!

It was then that I was super INSPIRED to discover, untold stories of unsung heroes and stuffs were actually just within arms reach. I had "A Blind to Defeat"( ), "A Woman Manananggot's Success Story", "Deaf Mute's Victory", even "Day in the Life of a British V-Hire Driver in Cebu" , "Culinary Formula"  ( )  and lots and lots more.

And so now more years after, and a few pounds heavier, I am duty bound to write nothing else but good news.  This is not hard though, because I already knew beforehand that there are a lot of good stories, this time, with a heart and with life since these are real stories of things that are felt by the Filipinos.

These are inspiring stories, stories we need now that everywhere we see, we hear all those unfortunate stuffs, from Napoles thingy to Balili controversy---- there are actually stories just around the bend which are worth writing and SHARING. For what is a writers worth if no one gets to read?

Barely a year in the Philippine Information Agency, I maintain my drive that part of my advocacy is to influence for others to LIVE TO INSPIRE.  

I am inspired with the challenge of proving wrong the common notion of those from the mainstream media, that government releases are merely "praise releases".  Ours, I presume are the real stories, we are backed up with real facts, concrete projects, these are stories that the public need to know.

Each one of us, has our own stories to tell--from our daily encounters, personal, social, official.  And around us, are simple good news which can become great stories, to write and to share...

For people like me who makes a living out from communication and information, let us make it a passion  to write and share in such a way that other people will also be inspired  in re sharing what they learned and knew from us.

Imagine the number of people, who knows, one can move by the articles we wrote, by the stories we share.

So let me end by saying, this is Ferliza, from PIA, Philippine INSPIRATION Agency!

Kindly leave a comment if in a way, you were also inspired... Why not? =)

P.S. INSPIRED to write and improve this blog after being overwhelmed with all the learnings during the PIA Visayas Cluster Seminar on Social Networking sponsored by #SmartCommunications #websmartPIA

Follow me on twitter @ferliloo

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