Biyernes, Enero 1, 2016

In everything, give thanks --- 1st lesson in 2016

This is quite a striking realization I had today (well since I stepped into this happy place of mine), here in the place I can confidently "my own", the island of Bohol.
An uncle, I call as Ingko Mar, has always been brief and punchy when it comes to giving life's lesson's here and there.

"In everything, give thanks." --1Thessalonians 5:18
Ingko Mar drives me to where I wanna go in Bohol 

God did not say "In all good things, give thanks" but He said in "all things" which therefore include those things we never want to be included ...or wish it was never included in the very first place.

"All things"

It sounds so boring, like a religious chant...too positive like spoken by someone who never touched ground...someone who never knew what it feels to be rejected, unappreciated and worst, blamed.

But then, there is actually some sense in thinking that way.. in maintaining a grateful heart, despite everything.

Ingko Mar is a living example of that line's success.  He never had a very fancy job.  I've known him to be on his Isuzo motorcycle with a rice sack containing his tools at the sides or at the passenger seat.  He goes round Bohol.. leaves on Monday and returns Friday.

He repairs all types of electronic stuffs, from irons, stoves, cassettes, tape recorder, video cams, Betamax.  He puts up wirings of some sorts.
He earns a maximum of P300-P500 for every round Bohol...and that after he got harmed by dogs (either being chased or clumsily crossing), partly electrocuted, insulted by some customers and worst, unpaid or gi "tumbling".

But Ingko has always been calm and smiling.  Just by looking at his face makes you feel refreshed.

You think life was easy for him? He has six children, four boys and two girls who's age gap will make you sing Do-Re-Mi.  And his wife Manang Panya, was the typical rural wife...housewife.

Yet they were able to have all of them finished school. We wondered... how did he survived?

Ingko said, there were times that that he did not have a single "Ta" (kuarta, he is so fond of cute abbreviations ever since)

There were a lot of payables and there was no money to buy food for the family.  Ingko is so manggiuwawon... Asking from his siblings is always the last option.

"Pero naa ra may muhatag bisan di pangajoan, moabot ra jud (But there are people who will give even without us asking, it will just arrive)" Ingko said.

Always and always, he said, he thanked the Lord... He thanked the Lord almost a hundred times everyday.

No he is not unrealistic, for him, saying thanks is real...coz it is like a MAGIC word, like he is still telling the 6 year old me.

Saying thanks, being grateful works like MAGIC.

Ingko said : 

1.  Saying thanks, makes you close your eyes and breathe.  It therefore prevents you from saying bad things about any situation you are into.  Instead of cursing or blaming, it gives you the ample gap just to stop yourself from being rude.

2.  Saying thanks and again and again gives you time to evaluate your moves.  Hey, something's wrong but you're saying thanks coz look at the scheme and see whats wrong....or perhaps there was no scheme at all!  You can then identify that so called "bolt" which was a bit off in your life.. And then you can do things that will improve those or find a replacement.  It gives you time to know your capabilities again.

3. Saying thanks and all the time is healthy for the heart, for the brain and is therefore good for the skin --- It is an instant, cheap anti ageing --beauty enhancer! Of course Ingko did not say this..Its actually mine.. but what could be the most potent effect than being young!

So whatever sh** we are into, even if we could not understand where the road is leading us ...we say thanks..because no matter how corny it may sound..but everything...always works for good!

FOR taking time to read this.... THANK YOU!

Don't ever be shy to thank me too... Happy New Year!

Linggo, Oktubre 18, 2015

Choosing battles

Life is never easy for a woman.

It seems that there are more battles than choices. 

Yes there has always been humour that a woman always get what she wants. But more often, this means, getting what she want for herself or getting what she want still, but for others.

Yes you see, woman empowered, a woman in a man's world, a woman who shuts her eyes, leaps and defy gravity. Because no matter how modern is time, a woman is still in a certain kind of bondage. Perhaps no longer from a sex discriminating culture or in a gender biased religion, but some other kind of chain is binding a woman to limit her happiness.

There is this woman, who can be an achiever, employed, good daughter, loyal friend, but is stuck somewhere with a man she can't call her own.

Being empowered, she believes she deserves to get what she wants and all those love and attention.

But she can't shout this to the world.  Society was rough on her for sometime, and now she fell into a kind of a mindset that the universe conspired, else none of this would be happening. This woman knows the consequences of her actions. She may be guilty at times knowing that she could break or had broken already a family.

Then there is also this woman on the other side of the fence. The woman who had struggled balancing the hurt and demands of the rest or the world around her.

This woman knows she has all legalities to get even and move on live her life cut from the pain of being continuously betrayed. She can do everything that will eventually lead her to where there is abundance of love. They say to have stayed for the children is not reason as they are better off seeing a happy, unattached mother. But she opted to stay. Children are reasons enough. For she believes, the moment these were born, happiness revolves around seeing their dreams fulfilled, seeing them become the normal, loving human beings they ought to be.

Then there is this woman, who feels she ought to have everything while she is still unattached..or she feels she should not be attached. Traumatized from the stories of being in love, she would rather play around...and never invests her feelings else she will be among those whose mornings are always a drag coz of crying over some "Man Fool" the entire night.

And meet the woman who was all the time been a giver, hurt, betrayed but is now in the arms of a "Perfect Man".  That man showers her with gifts, surprises her with dates and is now building a future around her...and the rest of her world.  Yes she is into him..but only a bit.  Because in the middle of the night, or at some point during the day, she still feels empty...

There is this woman who is in love and is very loved, but she can't shout to this to the world.  Both of them can't. At the other side of her life, she is bubbly, inspiring, responsible, but is hiding a wound that does not heal in her heart. And on the other end, she is still the same bubbly and inspiring but this time without the hurt.  For this man who laughs and shares herself with without almost any inhibition, is also living a double life.

So what is it really for a woman? Complicated to the highest degree...

But hey, these are just scribbles of mine.  The thing is...its all in the mind..

Whether you are a woman, a girl, or a man reading this, these battles are real, but it doesn't mean we can't win over these.

Heads up Girlfriends !

Lunes, Agosto 10, 2015

Life is not meant to be fully controlled

You thought you had it all planned out and suddenly things happened .. not just twists but major turns or 360 degrees roll.

Who would not want an organized life? We wanted to have Googled answers to all our questions; data based decisions and majority of LIKES to a posted point.

More often than not, we get the darker chocolates out from the box and we fret at an undesired turn unmet expectations, failed promises, those nightmares killing our fantasies.

The thing is, life is just like that.

While others simply snapped out of life (oh yes those compulsive eating, alcohol urge, i-need-someone-to-love me thingy);; maintaining sanity is crazy hard, but is best.

The world will continue to turn and live even if humanity destroys it..and so does our tomorrows and the chances of getting the best out of it.

I, You, We accept that life is simply just that. We breathe in and out, it returns we just accept. It ain't hard to ACCEPT than running for our lives when we pushed the doorbells of some houses before. And getting caught writing that secret love letter to a crush was harder (Forgive me I have a few primitive fetishes).


Side by side ACCEPTANCE is SELF LOVE. It is the wisest investment.

It doesn't necessarily mean splurging into those fabulous tops and dresses in Mango (Well if you can afford hehe) or grabbed the latest Louis Vuitton bag.

It means to be able to dress oneself with the right attitude .. and that sunny smile thats given in an UNLIMITED supply.

Yeah, simplicity s beauty but do pamper yourself with those skin moisturisers, hair conditioners, oil and lotion... Men, have that scent that you love .
"Go to sleep not like but AS a beauty queen or the Adonis that you already are every night," I say so.

Most of all, build and nurture that relationship with the Supreme Being that gave us this gift of Life.. that we are suppose to love. Its an armour.

Let me partly conclude this entry with a quote from Masrani,yeah, that guy who owns Jurassic Park and I quote.

"The key to a happy life is to accept that you are NEVER actually in control."

Only a few people know that I'm mushy, just when I thought I had been wearing my heart in my sleeves (or so I thought).

But yes, I do cry, a lot ..when it rains mostly..when I'm sad and more when I'm joyful.

I therefore conclude that it pays to embrace life and never get tired of love.

After all, in my epitaph.. I want it written as bold as my smile.. that I live to inspire. =)

posted from Bloggeroid

Sabado, Hunyo 27, 2015

A packet of peace, I felt today, from Cebu to the world.

Chivalry is not dead.  Not in Cebu and even to non Cebuano women.

The 20A jeep Mandaue-Ayala I rode into this morning for Saturday duty was surprisingly full.

I always choose to sit right at the back of the driver's passenger seat so that I don’t get to move a lot and it gave me the space to tinker with my phone.
The Philippine jeepney, a common transport vehicle in almost all provinces.

The spot also gives me a chance to "people watch", a favorite hobby.
Suddenly I saw a Muslim woman with a little girl and some bags, slowly ushering her way...looking for a seat.

The women were already sitted like queens but from the looks of their eyes were also concerns as to where the Muslim woman will be seated.

       Just when I expect that no one would move, the men’s reactions surprised me.

        Most of them, if not all, and in a split second, pronounced giving up their seats for the woman. While some were holding the little girl and their bags since the jeep was already moving.
Editorial cartoon of The Freeman - Muslims pray with Catholics

In fact, the Muslim woman was already puzzled where to sit down. Eventually, she chooses to sit in front of me and so I took a picture. 

And so did my heart.

The Muslim woman with the little girl and the man in pink was the one who gave up his seat.

Huwebes, Hunyo 26, 2014

"Tuslob Buwa" - Cebu's rising exotic food fever

Here is the stuff that has been hitting the social media sites of our # Cebuano netizens recently, something that we can say is, truly from Cebu, the "

Yep I am very sure one of your more than 10 or a thousand friends had posted something about "Tuslob buwa  ", or even already made ​​a # tuslobbuwaexperience, And so what really is this stuff?

The first time I heard about this was when i was still a reporter of the oldest newspaper in Cebu,  The Freeman . I was actually able to pass thru the site in barangay Pasil, where the actual prolapsed uterus being flocked tuslob thingy was like there was a celebration!

Knowing Barangay Pasil, are priority is famous for its exotic dishes other "linarang" and etcetera, you see different kinds of people, mostly shirtless, others trisikad, jeepney drivers, students and also those executives looking hunks, gather around one mighty big couldron/pan or in the dialect, kaha, kawa, kalaha.

You see them opening up a puso (hanging rice) and then just dip a portion of it into the cauldron. The boiling mixture in the kawa include beef or pig's brains, internal organs and other's insides and dunno .. whatsoever the cook can think off  I guess, .. but it was so yummy!

And so here I am years later and then suddenly very near my  Infocen Cebu Philippine Information Agency office in Gorordo, a quite busy and vibrant sight always catches my attention, daytime and early evening.

I just thought these were just hanging out with young people who are tattoo enthusiasts, as the place is beside the  Inkin Ian Tattoos of Ian Cabrido .. but then I saw small couldrons ... and so it was really tuslob Adv.

I went there for snacks 4:30 pm, since after 6pm I know its gonna be very busy and crowded there.

I just asked how much and they said one whole set is P99. 

The P99 Includes this 

The Set (lr) minced onions, pork bits, hipon (salty shrimp), a bowl of pig's brain mixture and the 12 pieces of puso/ hanging rice .. and since I like spicy, some chili powder.

Then we were ushered to the table with a small butane run burner with the small pan / couldron or kawa.

You just have to mix one after the other in exact order and then wait until it boils and dip yourself away!

How does it tastes? It is very delicious! Indeed you can consume almost all the 12 pieces puso! It takes like marinated bone marrow or something ....

Here are some of the pics of the other tables ... In just five minutes the place was really packed! You can see some of them with beers and juices ...

Here you can see mostly students from different schools and then workers, office personnel, policemen ....  

But unlike Pasil, this one here is cleaner since you are given Separate couldrons.  

But the bigger BUT is of course, health, having .. Often this MIGHT lead to a sudden eruption gall bladder hehehe specially for those with gall stones ... so beware!

And one reminder, please do not take the kawas with you ... the tattooed bouncers are very hospitable.

So that's the latest exotic sizzle here in # Cebu. 

* tuslob Means to dip and buwa   means bubble 

Huwebes, Pebrero 13, 2014

It is still a kiss!

Blame it on Valentines Day but really I am kinda pissed with the comment of Atty. Raymond Fortun. 
Yep, he represents this new "love team" everyone had seen and felt since Day 1 of this socialite crime. 
Here is the the link of the story and video of Deniece and Cedric, with the latter "passionately" kissing the former.   See for yourself.

Cedric kissing Deniece

And here is the comment of Atty. Fortun quoted from an ABSCBN report:

Fortun downplays new CCTV video

However, Lee's spokesman Raymond Fortun on Wednesday said the newly released CCTV footage is a "non-issue."
In His Facebook page, Fortun reacted to Various comments about the footage.
"Maybe it's just me, but it looks like the girl did not even want to be kissed. Otherwise others will think. What matters is, again, what I personally KNOW, "he said.
"I have met with DC (Deniece Cornejo) and CL (Cedric Lee) in a meeting and over dinner. DI saw nor felt that they close. For me, this is another non-issue Because it does not prove or disprove the parties 'version of events that night, "he added.
He said he is objecting to the word "passionately" to describe the kisses Lee gave to Trias.
"I would object to the use of the word 'passionately' then I would pull out the definition from the dictionary. Then I would pull my wife and kiss her in a passionate MANNER to prove my point. I expect to be sustained by the judge, "he said.

Oh well Atty. Fortun, it I am so passionately moved with what you said.  Passionate or not, but yes I guess it is just you, because you refused to see it, that a KISS IS STILL A KISS!

Of course you met them both and you have not seen the sparkle in their eyes, because there is a different sparkle you've seen.

Anyways, sorry if this post may be part of the trial by publicity.  But then again, since its Valentines Day, I maintain..

A kiss is still a kiss. =)


Martes, Pebrero 4, 2014

We are the dream that has come true- SJA 50th Homecoming

Date : February 1, 2014
Venue : JCentre Convention Hall
Mandaue City

    It was indeed a night of strolling down memory lane for my elementary (1990) and highschool (1994) batches of St. Josephs Academy...Our alma mater which we can proudly say was the only school at that time, sincerely adhering to its mission-vission "Solidarity with the Poor".

   Of course it had the lowest tuition for a private school at that time which had the best standard #education.

   Come to think of it, Family Day, Teachers Day and Field Demonstration held in one day with various costumes creatively out only of our school uniform. :)

   Anyway for 50 years already, the alumni of my alma mater SJA has been organizing annual homecomings.

Because this year is so special, the organizing batches (Elementary 1985 and Highschool 1989) came up with a special theme "Glitterati Night".

But prior to this, the celebration started with a Holy Mass at the SJA quadrangle at 9 in the morning followed with a motorcade all around city.

And so we arrived, fashionably late my bff (best friend forever) Mae Elaine Bathan, now a lawyer and president of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and my bf (best friend) James Relampagos, a multi awarded Cebu Gem basketball star now an airline employee.

We all just came from our respective out of town trips and coming back to Cebu was challenged by tropical depression "Basyang".

The program was quite long, with at least six batches with intermission and surprise numbers.

I was surprised to know that one of my favorite news and feature sources, Dr. Glenda Ilano-Basubas (president of the Philippine Mental Health Association-Cebu) is a certified Josephian. #PMHA

And so here is our #selfie.

I also learned that the beautiful wife of Police Superintendent Anthony Obenza, of Iloilo Airport Police, Bella Obenza is a class 1980 #graduate of #SJA. Oh my she sang so well a rockstar the #OPM "Nosibalasi" song.

Unfortunately I noticed that our teachers were not given that valuable importance that night. They were given flowers and stuffs and were only called in their seats. Would have preferred them to be seated up on the stage and representatives give them gifts and say something about them.

Well anyway, I can't let the night pass not to greet them and so I braved the crowd, table hopped bowing down or walking so low so as not to disturb the program.. and found my way to the teachers tables for our #Selfies!

First Madam Selma Yosores, highschool Trigonometry teacher.

Madam Yosores had a soft voice and very calm compusure, very patient in teaching us #trigonometry even if we were half listening.

Then of course my favorite teacher in highschool who is now the principal of #SJA, Madam Perlita Quinones..glamorous and ageless.

Madam Q as we fondly called her was really a classic in teaching us Values Education, Ethics, Right Manners and Good Conduct.

We always look forward to her stories, very practical ones with values that I adhered to in my daily undertakings. She inspired us to be "storytellers" too.

And then there was my Grade 3 Science and Math teacher Madam --- Descallar.

Ah yes, I went next to the person who is partially responsible for my love for writing. Seriously Ms. Beatrice Perez (now Yap) doesn't like my writing. :)

Because the good writers of "Reach Out: Magazine already graduated, I was put as a feature writer (for there was no other vacancy and I was a free hand tag along of the brilliant /fellow Manpark Girl Anna Rose Espiritu).

I cant remember my first assignment for a feature story was but I did remembered Ms. Betty said, "You don't write well. You better improve else I'll drop your name from the Editorial Box". Ooouuuch!

But I was only hurt a little because I know she wants me to improve!

And here we are now with our #selfie I chance to take, stopping her from talking on and on that she read this stuff I wrote or heard Leo Lastimosa's "Arangkada" said about me and that...

Well you can just imagine peeps, if I had been a bad then it only means that St. Josephs was really a standard when it comes to English.

Here comes another grade school favorite.. Filipino teacher and Librarian Madam Fe Tambolero. My Gosh! She looks better now that she is no longer skinny! LOOK at our selfie..

AH yes she's very sentimental... she cried and said she did not expect to see me after so many years.

She was very motherly. She cried again when we chanced upon her in going out for another pic with the group and BFF Elaine.

And then there was Miss Gelma Perez, soft spoken also ..patiently teaching us crochet, cross stitch and other homeroom necessities.

Miss Perez is also the aunt of our beautiful flight attendant/model Cristina Perez of the Philippine Airlines.

And now I made one #selfie with two amazing elementary teachers Miss -- Gonzaga and Madam ___ Lim!

Truly Amazing is an understatement considering these two are the most influential teachers for me / us because they teach no less than Language and Reading and Science and Math.

Miss Gonzaga is now at Consolacion Elementary School and I told her I'd transfer my kids there no mattet how far it is.

Of course she made me understand Math or lets say her "terrorism" forced me to love Math. I may have given her headaches in Math but she adored me in Science. Siiighhh..

Anyway's here are my Teacher #selfies again in a collage I made thru #photogrid.

Now lets proceed with all the picture2x! My it was indeed a night filled with all those cellphone and camera flashes.

Most of us were half listening to the program as we were busy reacquainting and even recalling each others names.Gosh! Funny most of them said they have not forgotten me and so therefore I conclude that I was indeed noisy in SJA. =)

Here is a batch pic with all of us. By the way, we were the largest contingent. Thanks to Facebook and to the sponsor-a-batchmate program.

Firstly I had a picture taken with my two closest friends since neighbors since Prep in Del Pilar St. Guizo Mandaue City--Claire Nimor Ventulan and Anna Rose Gonzal Espiritu. Gosh I love hearing maiden names.

Our common introduction was "We live in Manpark ...across (in my case) or beside (for Anna Rose and Claire's case)

We were together whole elementary and a few years in high school known as "Manpark Girls". Anna Rose was the smartest and most beautiful; Claire the most sought after and talented while Me, ahhhm I'm just the hottest? :P

And then here's a pic of me and tikla...Janamel O. Dutosme, from Marfa and who also became a closest close friend. ♥

And so I again table hopped for selfies with them since I may not be able to have a pic with all of them. Here goes!

With the ever boyish to stylish Stephany Ubas-Duterte and the bestfriend pair Mitzi Mayol and Arleen Soon.. Rakenrol!

Next is Cleofe and Richelle Milan ---I will never forget the curly hair

Now here is me with the Balikbayan Michelle Sumampong-Canoy and Jessica Cardenas-Gamao. By the way Jessica is one of the point persons of Mutya ng Pilipinas.

This time with my favorite reunitedk friend Dr. Lorraine Manatad with Adeline Rivera-Solante (nga gihikling ang gidala nga babyloo) . I say reunited with Nang Loryang because we were not close during elementary and highschool .. she was kinda "isog" you know. We got reunited January 2010 gathering and immediately our love for RH had us volting in always.

Next is the selfie with my kumare, Darlene Sevilla-Esmero of Pagibig Fund and the luckiest girl of the night, Shirlynie Gonzaga. Shyrl brought home the biggest prize.. a wide Samsung flat tv.

Ooohkay I better be careful with this next one hehe.. Here is my #selfie with my internal medicine doctor Anabel Laranjo and Jhoane Remedio-Mejala. Anabel is looking after my gallbladder thats why I go the other way when I was bringing bottles of SML. Hehehe kinda hard to avoid eh

Here is Nergisa and Regina. Yes they kinda sound the same and used to be one of the smallest in the batch too. =) Regina is married to Oscar, her long time boyfriend we also get to hang around with in the St. Joseph Church Grand Choir for the Alleluia. ★

Then here is Marlitz Tagalog ..always a fashion and head turner... I love her tiger designed shawl

Ohkay ladies... ang susunod na palabas ay rated PG...Por Giv me if naunhan mo nako pag selfie or pag pose with the boys...

Selfie with a businessman and a lawyer... My Dong Cel (Celso Jordan) and Atty. Arthur Flores (crush ni Gelyn and Vice Versa saona ahaha)

Selfie with James Donald Aranas, brother of Jane Dahlia Aranas (twin) They were the coolest non Catholic batchmates we had back then.

All in pic, James Donald, Arthur Flores, Celso Jordan, Glover Ian Ceniza, Peter Anthony Linao (brother of one of major sponsors and president of reunited batch, the newly married sister in law of Darlene Ronquillo--Pamela Andrea Linao), Nong Jose Noel Quimera and of course, my bf! James Relampagos (wala jud mi nagka uyab ani niya ha ♥♥♥)

We also had.. I mean he, the Mayor of Mandaue City had a picture with us. Of course, because we are too good to miss. Mayor Jonas Cortes is also a Josephian.

And so here are the shots I took, some stolen and some after stolen... I will tag and identify as I go along the way. (Kay daghan na ga atang ani nga blog hehe)

Janamel meets Mildred (Alejandrino) I miss this girl...

Shirlynie's winning moment!

Some behind the scenes

Captured emotions...

Busy pod ang uban if walay flash sa cam hmmmm... txt2x!

And yah, because Feth and Loryang felt they were one of the boys.. hahaaay

But before all these, we have a batch member who had a very special participation to the entire anniversary celebration.  Our very own Fr, Charles Louis Jayme who gave the homily in the morning's anniversary mass.

"We are the dream that has come true,"

Charles homily
An honor to share these thoughts to my fellow alumni & alumnae this 9am mass:

As I stand before you today, I cannot help myself but look back to that year that this venerable institution was only a dream. Let me extend my gratitude to the uncle of my brother priest, Fr. Love Alojipan, the late Msgr. Jose Alojipan. He was the one who was instrumental in realizing this dream of quality education. He was the one who had worked hard just to make his dream of teaching students come true. And that bold dream truly has come into fruition; that bold dream has molded you and me and others to become who we are now; that bold dream is now in its 50 years of teaching and moulding students.

. As we gather here today, we celebrate a coming home to where we used to be. We do not only celebrate but we also give thanks to our alma mater for teaching us and molding us to who and what we are now. Our gathering and our celebration today may also give us the impression that all of us must continue to emulate a life and the values that St. Joseph's Academy has taught us throughout these years. As inscribed in the sanctuary of our parish, “Ite Ad Joseph”, we are asked that as we go through our lives, we must go to Joseph. We must go to Joseph and live a life of humility, of total obedience to the will of the father for us. We must live a life of humble service to all. We go to Joseph and follow his footsteps. I believe this was the dream; these were the values that were taught to us while we were studying here. I believe that they were gifts to us back then and these gifts must also be renewed in us as we gather and celebrate this day.

. Pope Francis wrote his encyclical Evangelii Gaudium, the joy of the gospel. In this encyclical he admonishes all of us to bring the joy of the gospel to everybody, through our actions, through our words and in everything we do in life. I was deeply moved when he said, “If we have received the love which restores meaning to our lives, how can we fail to share that love with others?” Meaning, if we have received that gift of love which gives meaning to our lives, there will be no reason why we cannot share such love to others. If our alma mater has given us a lot throughout the years that has changed our lives, how can we fail to share such gifts to others? I believe that this is the challenge of that dream. This is OUR challenge as we continue to live on with our lives and to follow Joseph’s footsteps.

. True enough WE are the dream that has come true for Msgr. Alojipan. If he were here with us today, he must have been the happiest person in the whole world looking at us, seeing us the realities of his dream. As we thank him for such a dream, as we thank our alma mater for moulding us, we must also continue to live on and go to Joseph. That dream has come to a reality in us. Let us also live out the values once taught to us and share them with your children, with our nephews and nieces and with everybody around us.

         Before the program ended (which did not signal the end of the parteh though) I had a pose with my first degree cousin Amor Monteron, the only cousin of mine who also is a Josephian like me. Shr graduated last year.

Allow me to post this pic of mine with a trophy or whatever you may call it, a memorabilia of the 50th grand homecoming. Just imagine I was half my size but 100 percent more beautiful than graduation day.


Like I said, the program ended but certainly NOT the night. But since it involved personalities with high security concerns, might as well keep the details off the blog and just in our close FB Page.
Once again my dears, we are just so lucky at that time and age we certanly had the best which somehow made us who we are today. Big or small, rich or soon to be rich, the values we learned as loving Christians always made us stand out... in any field.. sky.. or water.

Hail St. Joseph!

*Liked this or you might wanna vomit after reading this, leave a comment. Now let me sleep kay alas dos nas kadlawn. =)
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